Thursday, September 26, 2013

Simchat Torah

The day after the completion of Sukkot is Simchat Torah which means the "Joy of Torah." The Jewish people usher in a new cycle of Torah readings for the subsequent year by dancing around Torah scrolls signifying the joy that comes with knowing God has given us His words for study and application. I was extremely privileged and blessed to be invited, by an orthodox Jew nonetheless, to participate in dancing around the Torah scrolls near the Western Wall. They even let me dance with one of the scrolls!

While I was joyously celebrating, I wondered why we in the Western church don't celebrate God's word more often. When is the last time we danced and sang with unbridled joy and appreciation while orbiting around a Bible? Why don't we publicly engage in overt praise and worship over these sacred words God has graciously given us? If a Torah scroll touches the ground, it is deemed unworthy and defiled and must be buried. Jews consider the words of God with significant weight while we unconsciously throw our Bibles on the ground like its simply another work of literature. I am guilty of the same thing, but I would like to display a greater reverence and enthusiasm for our sacred text. I also noticed how welcomed I felt to celebrate with the Jewish community. Would we draw more people to Jesus if we celebrated his words once a year in a public forum with no shame, embarrassment, or reservation like the Jewish people do?

Below are two videos clips from last night at the Western Wall during Simchat Torah. The second video is a group of Jewish students from New Jersey who are studying at a Yeshiva in Jerusalem. I was invited to be included in the inner circle. Watch and notice the emphatic lauding and jubilation they display; it almost seems a good way.

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